Eclipse Runtimeexception. The custom exception should extends. When in eclipse, there is an error hint about 'unhandled exception type xxx', and if you run this, you will get an exception in thread main java.lang.error:
When ever i try to launch my eclipse i am getting the following exception an its not coming up. Runtimeexception is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the java virtual machine.
Runtimeexception Is The Superclass Of Those Exceptions That Can Be Thrown During The Normal Operation Of The Java Virtual Machine.
Runtimeexception are unchecked while exception are checked (calling code must handle them).
Runtimeexception And Its Subclasses Are.
May 6, 2013 at 21:08.
No Application Id Has Been Found.
Images References :
The Cause Is Not Initialized, And May Subsequently Be Initialized By A Call To Throwable.initcause(Java.lang.throwable).
In the eclipse log i see the following exception:
Coreexception ( Istatus Status) Creates A New Exception With The Given Status Object.
If an expression you evaluate causes a runtime exception, the exception will be reported in the editor.